Sunday, October 30, 2011

Retirement Road Trip 2011: Day 65, Saturday 10/29

561 miles and parked in my driveway at home, Gouverneur, NY!!!

My original plan was to end the trip with a two night stay at Justin and Amy's home in Queensbury, NY.  However the storm predictions came true and my route through central Pennsylvania was scheduled to get 6 to 12 inches of heavy wet snow.  It was already snowing at Matt's house.

I packed up and was on the road by 8:00.  It snowed a good share of the morning, but by the time I reached Erie, PA I drove out of it.  I didn't seen any more snow for the rest of the trip home.  According to the radio, however,  the east coast was getting pounded by the unusual late October storm.

I pulled into my driveway right at 6:00 PM.  Zoey was beside herself.  She grabbed a toy and ran circles around the house for probably ten minutes.  I unloaded a couple of things, made a peanut butter sandwich for dinner and was in bed by 8:00.

Its great to be home.  I'll write an epilogue Sunday............

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