Saturday, October 8, 2011

Retirement Road Trip 2011: Day 44, Saturday 10/8

410 miles and still camped at Lake Isabella KOA.

Zoey took a road trip to Death Valley National Park today, and she let me come along.

I don't quit know how to describe Death Valley, except it is the exact opposite of Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon.  That doesn't mean that I like it more or less, it's just so different.  I had to cross three mountain passes to get there.  It's not easy going east or west out here.  There is no way around the mountains.  You have to go over them.  I had to climb (well, the truck did) over a mile in height to get out of Death Valley.  The pass in and out of the valley is 4,965 high, and the lowest point is 282 feet BELOW sea level, which is the lowest in the western hemisphere.

The valley floor is long and wide.  There is no way out but up.  Over millions of years, the erosion of the mountains on each side of the valley have deposited minerals on the valley floor.  Borax and salt were two major commodities to be harvested.  I just can't believe the labor and effort that went in to getting the salt and borax.  According to the literature, Chinese labor made it possible.  In fact, they actually used to run twenty mule team wagon trains hauling the Borax out.  The trip was so arduous that some of the wagons had to carry just water.

I picked a good time of the year to go to Death Valley.  The temperature hit 87 today, which is a far cry from some of the temperature records there.  The highest ever recorded was 134 F.  While the 87 today was hot, it was not unbearable.  I've been told for years that dry heat is more bearable than moist heat.  I'm a believer now.  That 87 in the east would be really uncomfortable.

The views are phenomenal!  Multicolored sediments in the valley walls, wide open vistas, and almost no trees are the standard vistas.

I'm so glad I went to Death Valley.  It was a bit of a drive, but completely worth it.  Unfortunately, spending just a day in Death Valley doesn't cover everything.  There is so much more to see.  Next time..........

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