Friday, September 9, 2011

Retirement Road Trip 2011: Day 14, Thursday 9/8

240 miles, camped at Heyburn State Park, near Plummer, Idaho.  I'm still traveling with Dave and Ann Wright.

I'm in the Pacific Time Zone now, so its a three hour difference with my east coast friends.  Or as my son Justin commented, "Since you get up three hours earlier than most normal people with your usual 4:00 AM wake up, now you're on a six hour difference with your normal east coast friends."    :-)

Very interesting weather out west now.  You would think that being north and in the mountains that the temperatures would be cooler than the east.  Not so here.  The temperature hit 92 yesterday and the forecast is for 90 today with lots of sun.  However, the mornings are cool, with temperatures in the mid 40's to low 50's.

Zoey has become very comfortable traveling.  At highway speeds, she just sleeps.  When I slow down to drive through a town, she rises and sticks her head out the window.  She is a great companion.

As we left Salmon Lake State Park in Montana, the morning sky was filled with a smokey haze.  There are a number of small forest fires in the area.  The fires and a phenomenon known as an inversion (where cold air above traps the warmer air below) are causing the daily smokey haze.  You can really smell it.  It must be a health hazard and it really cuts down on the visibility.  It's not as bad as driving in a fog, but the long range views are significantly affected.

We crossed the Continental Divide today, so we are now in the Pacific drainage area.  There is much less farming and ranching, and a great deal of logging here.  In fact, tractor trailer trucks of logs are everywhere.

We ended the day with another great outdoor campground cooked meal and a campfire.  Dave and Ann are great improv cooks.  It is great fun to travel with them.  I just have to put up with the fact that they don't get up until 9:00 and don't eat breakfast until 10:00.  :-)

For the next few days we will explore the upper panhandle of Idaho.

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