Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I've decided to restart my blog. The reason? Well, there are several. First, I have started the countdown (or is it up) to my retirement. I submitted my retirement letter several days ago. My last day of teaching Potsdam High School students will be January 28, 2011. That date is both exciting and terrifying. That means come January 31, 2011, I will be "unemployed" for the first time in forty one years! What will I do?

I want to remember my last year in the classroom. So this blog is for me, a diary. I learned from my travel blog of the summer of 2009 about how important memories are. As I reread that trip report I am constantly reminded of little events that I have forgotten. I really enjoy reawaking those memories.

Finally, I want my children and grandchildren to know who I really am/was. This diary is for them as well. And while I'm not good at it, I enjoy writing. I find it very therapeutic and relaxing. It forces me to reflect on what I do and think. Speaking of thinking, I may on occasion throw in some social commentary. I seriously doubt that my thoughts will change the world, but at least I will have said my piece.

It's been ten months since Kathy died. Life is starting to take on a normalcy now. That's not to say I don't shed a tear now and then. But most of the time now a photo or memory bring a smile. As someone who has been through this explained to me, the hurt goes away, but you never forget the memories.

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