Friday, September 2, 2011

Retirement Road Trip 2011: Day 8, Friday 9/2

92 miles, still camped at Osen's RV Park.

It was cold this morning with a 37 degree reading!!  But the day turned out to be sunny, 75 and perfect.

I decided to take the camper off the truck today.  I'm going to be in the same campground until Monday, so having the camper off makes it much easier to do errands with the truck.  It only takes about 20 minutes to take it off, so it made sense.  It will take about a half hour to put it back on Monday.

Under the heading "Ya Never Know," I stopped to talk with a couple of guys in a beat up old truck and truck camper parked not too far from me.  The only reason I stopped was to ask about a set of scissor steps they had on their camper.  The steps were probably the most valuable part of the whole setup.  Come to find out, there were four of them, probably in their early 20's, and they were from Australia.  Yes, Australia.  They had flown to Canada several weeks ago for a wedding.  A friend (I'm not sure how good a friend considering the condition of the truck) had let them borrow his pickup truck and camper and they were taking three weeks and traveling around the western US.  Talk about the spirit of adventure!  They were in a beat up truck and camper, and in a strange country.  They were having a blast.  Must be nice to be young and carefree again.

OK, here is another moment.  Under the heading "Small World," I stopped at the campground office to register for a few more days.  Kathy Lundberg waited on me.  She and her husband John own the campground.  Anyway, as we are making small talk, I comment on the weather back in Northern NY.  She  said that her Dad lives and works in Canton, NY.  Sure enough, her Dad is John Meagher who works with special needs students at St. Lawrence University.  It is a small world.

We decided to to go fly fishing on the Yellowstone River today.  I'm not much of a fisherman, especially fly fishing.  But I had a rod and a few flies, so go for it.

Dave promised to give me pointers in exchange for computer help.  Dave's friend from Wisconsin, Dennis, also came along.  We had a great time, although the catch rate was near zero.  Thirty five mile winds and rough water didn't help.  The Yellowstone has recently suffered some flooding, so that didn't help either.  On the other hand, we saw some really beautiful country.

Tomorrow we plan to fish some more, but in a different area.  On Sunday, I'm going to drive through Yellowstone National Park while Dennis and Dave, you guessed it, fish some more.

I guess that's all for today...........

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