Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Retirement Road Trip 2011: Day 26, Tuesday 9/20

17 miles, still camped at Cory's house.

Cory went to work for part of the day.  I did two loads of laundry and did grocery shopping.  I also paid some bills online.  What did we ever do before the internet???  Then I reorganized the camper some more.  I think I finally have found a place for everything and I can start to appreciate the additional room.  My biggest problem is remembering WHERE I put everything.

I can't have a blog entry  with a photo or two, so I'll add a couple of dog pictures.  Tyler seems to dictate Cory's life, and Zoey certainly controls mine.  After playing in the river yesterday, they were both "dog tired" for the ride back home.

Here is Cory "napping" with the dogs today.

Wednesday's plan is to head south on Highway 101.  I'll stop in Redwood National Park and camp near Ferndale, California.  Thursday I hope to do some primitive camping right on the ocean and Friday I'll end up staying the night in Petaluma.  I'm meeting my sister Karen Saturday morning in Oakland and will spend a few days in the Oakland and San Francisco area with her and Bob.  A warning, if anybody cares, I'll probably be out of cell service Thursday afternoon through Friday morning while camping on the beach.  :-)

Guess that's all for now.........

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