Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Spring Trip 2015: Oregon or Bust

May 2015

Another adventure begins.  My partner and best friend, Judy, retired as a pharmacist April 21st.  For the past several years I/we have flown to Oregon in May or June to visit my son Cory.  As we were talking about another trip this year, Judy commented that maybe we could drive out with our camper since she didn't have to rush to be back for work.  No sooner than I seconded the idea, she had the camper washed, packed, organized and ready to roll.

Well,  here we are.  The morning of a 30 some day trip across the United States.  Of course the two Zoeys will be along for the ride, Judy's Alaskan Malamute and my Golden Retriever.  Like all adventures, there will be some surprises along the way.  And with the advent of GPS, we will never get lost.  Instead we'll just take a different route when we make a wrong turn.

Since this trip is on a time line, meaning we are limiting it to 30 days, we will be driving a lot on Interstate Highways.  While this isn't the most scenic way to see America, it does get you from point A to point B the quickest.  We hope to take a much more leisurely adventure in September and October and spend more time wandering and exploring.

So, stay tuned for our adventure.

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